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Cord Blood Banking

Your newborn’s umbilical cord contains powerful stem cells that can be used in life-saving transplants. These stem cells can be used to treat over 80 different diseases, including cancer, blood disorders, and immune system disorders. Banking your baby's cord blood gives your child a chance to receive life-saving treatment from the very stem cells that helped your newborn develop during pregnancy. These stem cells may also be a match to treat your baby's siblings, biological parents, and other close relatives. Your newborn stem cells can only be collected and preserved immediately after birth.

Learn more about the benefits of Cord Blood Banking

Cord Tissue Banking

Your baby's cord tissue contains different types of stem cells than those found in the cord blood. Within cord tissue are the powerful mesenchymal stem cells which have the ability to heal, repair, and regenerate muscle, bones, cartilage, skin and the tissue parts of our internal organs.

Banking your baby's cord tissue provides extra protection for their future health. Unlike cord blood, cord tissue does not require HLA matching, therefore, it can be used in transplant by your baby's immediate biological family.

Cord Tissue Banking

Stem cells from cord tissue have over 500 active clinical trials for a potential treatment for different diseases.

Public Bank Access

You will gain access to StemCyte's inventory of publicly-donated cord blood units when you privately bank with us. Preserving your newborn stem cells with StemCyte provides complete protection for your family that no other cord blood bank can offer. 

Learn more about Public Bank Access

Public Bank Access

Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA)

Every family member has a different genetic makeup. StemCyte offers HLA testing to identify the specific blood markers found in a newborn's cord blood which will allow families to identify if the cord blood collected will be a match for other family members.

Simply add this service to your plan upon enrolling

Its A Match!

Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA)
Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA)

You are a match with your sibling

Newborn Genetic Analysis (NGA)

In addition to stem cell preservation, StemCyte also offers Newborn Genetic Analysis (NGA) which identifies any DNA irregularities and screens for over 200 health disorders. Parents can easily and painlessly learn if their newborn has any early-onset health conditions or disease.

Simply add this service to your plan upon enrolling

Newborn Genetic Analysis (NGA)

Private Banking Service

Preserve Your Newborn Stem Cells and Gain Public Bank Access

A Once In A Lifetime Opportunity To Preserve Your Baby's Stem Cells 

StemCyte provides the most comprehensive cord blood banking packages.
Huge savings for Cord Blood Preservation: A Lifeline for the Future.
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