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Upcoming Events
- Thu, Apr 10Sharp Mary Birch -James S. Brown Pav Rm1This class is designed to provide information and materials to assist expectant parents in making an educated decision on the best cord blood banking option for their family. Topics to be covered will include: The importance of preserving your baby's cord blood and the power of newborn stem cells.
- Thu, May 15Sharp Mary Birch -James S. Brown Pav Rm1This class is designed to provide information and materials to assist expectant parents in making an educated decision on the best cord blood banking option for their family. Topics to be covered will include: The importance of preserving your baby's cord blood and the power of newborn stem cells.
- Wed, May 21WebinarJoin us on World Cord Blood Day! Learn about the value of your child's stem cells and why it's important to have Public Bank Access.
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